As I mentioned in my last post, moving to a new city, especially one like NYC, has been pretty hard on me. But, it has also forced me to grow in ways I never could have imagined.
One of those areas of growth revolves around self love, and that includes self appreciation, self understanding, and self awareness..because to put it simply, I have been spending a lot of time by myself. And slowly but surely, I have begun to understand that there are certain things about me that are just part of my personality and they probably aren’t going to change….and I shouldn’t have to apologize for it.
Now that’s not to say one shouldn’t try to improve on their flaws. No one is perfect and we should always continue to work on being the best selves we can be.
But the fact that I am some weird mix of introvert and extrovert, nope not apologizing for it.
The fact that I have what is perceived in America to be a “difficult name”, nope not apologizing for it. (If y’all can pronounce Schwarzenegger, y’all can pronounce Ofunne.)
The fact that as a graduate school student living on a budget I can’t attend every boozy brunch, no matter how poppin it may be, nope not apologizing for it.
The fact that sometimes playing in makeup sounds like a better night than hitting the club, nope not apologizing for it.
Excuse my rant, but this comes as a response to the pressure I put on myself to always be accommodating, to always “go with flow”, and to put others needs before my own. Sometimes I just want to do whatever TF I want to do, and that’s OK.
Different people want different things and have different goals. What matters most is if you are happy or not at the end of day.
I know that I am going to have my dream job, have supportive colleagues and friends in the fashion industry, become integral to innovative projects, and be able to splurge on the occasional designer item or two…eventually. But I’m not apologizing for not being there yet.
What I am going to do, is work my ass off to get to where I want to be and have as much fun as I can while doin it, unapologetically.
Top- Mom’s Closet; Heels – Lola Shoetique; Sneakers – Forever 21; Shorts – Zara; Sunnies- Ray Bans