Please allow me to re-introduce myself. My name is Ofunne. I am a Nigerian 20-somethin’ from Cali with an intense passion for fashion….no seriously! I may not be always on the up- and up with new designers and what not (I’m getting a bit better about it!), but I know what looks good and I have been blessed with the ability to be able to shop till I drop and still keep it frugal.
I wouldn’t call myself a “fashion designer” just yet. But I am experimenting with my own small business.
You can purchase Nigerian apparel at ! Check it out, you won’t regret it! =]
I am also a recent grad from UC Davis. Woot Woot! I am starting a new, hopefully more polished blog in contrast to my old one…which I will say has a lot of history and its pretty entertaining to look back and read. HA!
Anyways, to get things goin’, here are some of my fave looks from the past few months.