by ofunneamaka | Aug 13, 2014 | alldatjazz, blog
Hey y’all, I know my posts have been far and few between but please, bear with me! Throughout the chaos of moving, I still had to find the time to celebrate my 25th birthday! I really can’t believe I’m that old haha. Check out some photos from my Instagram (@kerrilove) below. New all-dat-jazz posts coming soon!

by ofunneamaka | Aug 1, 2014 | alldatjazz, blog, style, Uncategorized

Hey y’all, happy August!
I beginning to fall in love with wearing jeans again and just denim in general. I don’t think I can ever get tired of the denim and denim trend. It’s fairly easy to put together and looks simple and chic.
by ofunneamaka | Jul 23, 2014 | alldatjazz, blog, style, Uncategorized

Throughout all the chaos of moving I managed to squeeze a little time in to practice sewing. It’s been hard trying to teach myself but to be honest, I fell more and more in love with the process everyday. From picking the fabrics to creating patterns , to deciding how to cut the pieces to sewing it all together to create an actual garment; every step tickled my fancy.
by ofunneamaka | Jul 22, 2014 | alldatjazz, blog, fashion, style, weddings

So sorry for the lack of posts these past couple weeks. This whole moving across the country thing has been more hectic than I could imagine but the worst of it is over and I am excited to get settled in my new home!
by ofunneamaka | Jul 2, 2014 | alldatjazz, blog, fashion, fashion blog, new york, style, Uncategorized

I’m excited to announce that All Dat Jazz (aka me) is moving to New York! I will be attending Columbia University to get my masters in Communications Practice in the fall. I can’t wait to see what challenges, successes, and wonders New York will bring (although I have already experienced many challenges trying to find an apartment! lol) These were taken while I was out there.