“Beauty is only skin deep.”
It’s an old adage that you may have heard as a child or maybe as a young teen going through your formative years. It alludes to the fact that being beautiful is really determined by the quality of one’s character rather than the way one looks.
However, in today’s beauty climate heavily influenced by beauty gurus and socialites, we respect the artistry first. We admire how easily some can perfect their contour or slay their eye shadow. we enjoy watching this artwork in motion.
As amazing and fun as makeup might be, it can also be isolating and discriminatory for many, especially black women. When brands fail to create products for underrepresented complexions and the lines between appropriation and “appreciation” get blurred, frustration builds. anger grows. problems persist.
when i was a young girl i would look through the pages of teen people (remember that?) or seventeen for beauty looks that would apply to me and often came up short. even now, in 2016, its hard for me to find makeup specific content that caters to people who look like me (unless the topic is controversial or likely to go viral.)
Cocoa Swatches has always been dedicated to addressing these issues, but its time to take things to the next level.
This is where S K I N D E E P makes its entrance.
Two occasions: day & night
Today’s post will be short and sweet. It’s blowing my mind that it is already Wednesday, let alone the start of New York Fashion Week! This will be my first fashion week actually working in NYC. (not to mention the first day of school was yesterday!) Needless to say, my schedule is going to be pretty packed.
Due to this, I feel that it’s important to be able to create outfits that easily transition from day to night. I love to do so using monochromatic themes. Check out this all grey ensemble that I took from “SOHO shopping trip” to “Drinks on the Upper East Side.”
Flexin my complexion
I can’t lie and say being a woman of darker complexion hasn’t come with a strong number of challenges. Internalized racism, hyper- sexualization, and microagressions are just a few of the issues I am faced with daily, just trying to navigate around town.
But this post isn’t going to be all about that. This post is a celebration of my melanin, of my skin. Black is so beautiful and it’s important to continue to repeat and exclaim this affirmation because the way this world is set up…we just don’t hear it enough.
Pretty in Pink
So sorry for the lack of posts these past couple weeks. This whole moving across the country thing has been more hectic than I could imagine but the worst of it is over and I am excited to get settled in my new home!
New York , New York
I’m excited to announce that All Dat Jazz (aka me) is moving to New York! I will be attending Columbia University to get my masters in Communications Practice in the fall. I can’t wait to see what challenges, successes, and wonders New York will bring (although I have already experienced many challenges trying to find an apartment! lol) These were taken while I was out there.