Two occasions: day & night

Today’s post will be short and sweet. It’s blowing my mind that it is already Wednesday, let alone the start of New York Fashion Week! This will be my first fashion week actually working in NYC. (not to mention the first day of school was yesterday!) Needless to say, my schedule is going to be pretty packed.


Due to this, I feel that it’s important to be able to create outfits that easily transition from day to night. I love to do so using monochromatic themes. Check out this all grey ensemble that I took from “SOHO shopping trip” to “Drinks on the Upper East Side.”


Flexin my complexion


I can’t lie and say being a woman of darker complexion hasn’t come with a strong number of challenges. Internalized racism, hyper- sexualization, and microagressions are just a few of the issues I am faced with daily, just trying to navigate around town.

But this post isn’t going to be all about that. This post is a celebration of my melanin, of my skin. Black is so beautiful and it’s important to continue to repeat and exclaim this affirmation because the way this world is set up…we just don’t hear it enough.

ofunneamaka ofunne brooklyn (more…)

Happy birthday to me – over the hump

Just this past week I celebrated the birthday which officially put me in the “25+” category. As a newly minted 26 year old, I can’t decide if I’m excited, scared, or annoyed about: being 4 years away from 30, still trying to get the hang of this “adult” thing and the prospect of my metabolism dropping drastically. ofunneamaka ofunne

My mid twenties have definitely come out swinging. Learning to prosper and flourish as individual has been matched with being forced to learn how to quickly get over disappointments, fail forward, and become more self reliant. (more…)

Learning how to be unapologetic

As I mentioned in my last post, moving to a new city, especially one like NYC, has been pretty hard on me. But, it has also forced me to grow in ways I never could have imagined.

One of those areas of growth revolves around self love, and that includes self appreciation, self understanding, and self awareness..because to put it simply, I have been spending a lot of time by myself. And slowly but surely, I have begun to understand that there are certain things about me that are just part of my personality and they probably aren’t going to change….and I shouldn’t have to apologize for it.

ofunne amaka ofunneamaka unapologetic


back like I never left

I’m extremely ecstatic and proud to say that is finally up and running. I made the decision a few months ago to hit the pause/reset on my blog, All Dat Jazz.

ofunneamaka ofunne style


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