8 Things You Should Know About Entrepreneurship
I always tell people that I was "thrown" into entrepreneurship, because if it wasn't for the virality of Cocoa Swatches, you would probably be able find me at your local ad agency, working behind the scenes. Looking back, I realize it was a lack of confidence, in...
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Candy Coated Raindrops
Although the way we tell time is technically an arbitrary measure we've created for ourselves, there is something refreshing about experiencing the clock reset. 12:00 am means it's the start of a new day. January means its the start of a new year. A start - it means...
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Repeat Offender
I never thought I'd be the type of gal that's OK with repeating an outfit, but I am here to admit - I was wrong! While I do like to switch it up and wear different outfits when going out or to special events, its nice to have a few outfits that I can easily pick out...
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Whenever I'm in need of a fresh perspective or in times of weariness, I often find myself coming back to my blog. I've been blogging since 2007, and it wasn't until I sat down to write this, that I realized it has been 10 whole years; 10 years of me digitally...
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