WARNING WARNING: The next few posts will be verrrryy picture heavy…but I think thats kind of a good thing. 😉
I just got back from Memorial Day Weekend in Vegas and while it was super fun and amazing, I am also super exhausted! It was worth it though, I love my girls!
Day 1
Top & Shorts- Forever 21; Bag- Zara; Sunnies,Necklace, Bracelet- H&M; Sandals- Calvin Klein (can you believe I got these beauties at Ross..I love finds like that!)
me and my sissy <3
run that shit back!
My bikini top is from Victoria’s Secret but I got my bottom online at ASOS. I ended up not liking it though, a little too frilly for me.
Top- Foreign Exchange; Skirt- Boohoo; Heels- Target; Belt- Cotton On;
the ladies