How-To/DIY: Big, Curly Hair!
I tend to get a lot more compliments on my hair when I wear it curly. People want to know where I got my hair, did I buy it that way, and how do I get it to stay that way. So, I decided to do a post about how to curl your hair and most importantly, getting that curl to hold! My secret?!
Right now I have Virgin Indian hair in but this method works with almost every kind of hair.
I’m gonna show you how I went from this:
to this:
and my final look of the night:
What You Will Need:
ONE hair brush
ONE hair wand or curling iron
ONE bottle of hair lotion/light holding spray/light mousse
(I use something called “Curl Activator” made by “Twisted Sista”)
LOTS of bobby pins
Step 1: Brush you hair out thoroughly.
Step 2: Take a section of your hair to curl. Use dime sized amount of your hair product and apply to that section of the hair.
Step 3: Take some hair from that section to curl and wrap around wand or curling iron.
Step 4 (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART): Take the curled hair and use a bobby pin to follow the curl pattern and pin to your head.
Step 5: Repeat steps 2-4!
The end result should look something like this:
Step 6: Wrap hair in silk scarf and leave for a few hours. (I did mine at night and went to sleep with them in.)
Step 7: Take out bobby pins and…..
VOILA! Big bouncy beautiful curls!
For more volume and sexiness, simply run your fingers through the curls to tease it a big and get that “big and sexy” look!
I use this method quite often:
It’s so easy and works wonders! Have you ever tried pin curls? How do you normally curl your hair?