Pretty in Pink
So sorry for the lack of posts these past couple weeks. This whole moving across the country thing has been more hectic than I could imagine but the worst of it is over and I am excited to get settled in my new home! These photos were taken at a friend's wedding this...
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I'm excited to announce that All Dat Jazz (aka me) is moving to New York! I will be attending Columbia University to get my masters in Communications Practice in the fall. I can't wait to see what challenges, successes, and wonders New York will bring (although I have...
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I have always always always wanted to have big hair. I have struggled to try to achieve this look forcing 3, 4, even 5 bundles of Indian or Brazilian hair into my head to get that full curly look. But I think I have finally found a solution to my woes: kinky hair! And...
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Sometimes a girl just wants to be comfortable in some sweats and a tee.....and some heels , hehe. Tee and shorts- h&m; heels - Calvin Klein
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