by ofunneamaka | Jun 26, 2014 | alldatjazz, beauty diaries, blog

If you have ever been frustrated looking for foundation in the drugstore aisle or if you’ve been searching for a cheaper foundation option for you to wear day-to-day orrr if you just like experimenting with makeup, this post is for you! Today’s beauty diary entry is about finding the perfect drugstore foundation.
by ofunneamaka | Jun 24, 2014 | alldatjazz, beauty diaries, blog

Today’s diary entry is about getting that summer glow! Summer time is finally here so it’s time to break out the bronzer and catch some rays.
by ofunneamaka | Jun 23, 2014 | alldatjazz, beauty diaries, blog, fashion, style

I have always always always wanted to have big hair. I have struggled to try to achieve this look forcing 3, 4, even 5 bundles of Indian or Brazilian hair into my head to get that full curly look. But I think I have finally found a solution to my woes: kinky hair! And it matches the texture of my real so its less work for me. So if any of y’all were curious, no it’s not all mines…but I’m sure as hell gonna rock it like it is! haha
by ofunneamaka | Jun 11, 2014 | alldatjazz, blog, inspiration
Hey guys, I know that I was planning on posting women i admire every week, but i’m changing the cadence to every month. This month’s woman crush is Juliette of Romeos Fashion Fix.

She is so fashion forward and that contour on her face is EVERYTHING.
by ofunneamaka | Jun 3, 2014 | alldatjazz, blog, rihanna
I really tried NOT to write this post, like I really tried. I tried to keep my Rihanna stan-ness in check on my Twitter and Instagram feeds but every time I read a disrespectful, negative comment about Rihanna it just made my skin crawl and I felt compelled in some way to address them, and to defend her. Because you see, for me, it’s not just about the fact that she wore a “proactive” dress to an award show, its about her choice to wear that dress to an award show and how the world, consequently has perceived her.
Let me back track for a bit, and give you some context. If you weren’t aware, Rihanna just received a CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers of America) award for being Fashion Icon of the year. Past winners of this award include Johnny Depp, Lady Gaga, Iman, Kate Moss and Sarah Jessica Parker. The CFDA describes the event as an “ event that recognizes the outstanding contributions made to American fashion by individuals from all areas of the industry and related arts, with awards being given for design excellence in womenswear, menswear, and accessories as well as extraordinary accomplishments in journalism, creative vision, and lifetime achievement.” So basically, Rihanna was recognized by a group of her fashion peers (a network comprised of top fashion retailers, journalists, stylists, influencers and the 450+ member designers of the CFDA.) for being a badass in the fashion world.
And, she arrived at the CFDA awards wearing this.
